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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  January 18, 2013 4:25am-5:00am EST

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>> that's what you said? >> it was nowhere near that. >> sounds like your mouth is full of mike and ikes -- or maybe just mike. ♪ good morning to you. this is a live look outside on this friday, january 18th, 2013. a little bit chilly out there but at least there is no snow and no rain. a live look at the washington monument. i'm wisdom martin. >> i'm sarah simmons. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's get a quick check of the weather with tucker barnes. i know to the south, they really got hit but here, not so much. >> you have to get pretty far
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south too. most of us were just looking at clouds yesterday. first of all, it is friday. happy friday, everybody. we'll see some sunshine for the first time this week. all in all, a good-looking forecast. most of your storm activity off the coast. you may see a few flurries into northern montgomery county, western howard county pushing down towards d.c. and baltimore. we'll see if that makes it or not. not enough to cause any issues. you might see a few flurries as our system continues to wrap up. i saw stars for the first time in about a week when i went out
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to the car. back to you. a former d.c. police officer found guilty of murder. a jury convicted richmond phillips on all charges. he shot and killed his girlfriend and left his daughter in the car to die. d.c. public schools released a list of schools that will be closed. 13 of the school will close at the end of the year and the other two will close at the end of next year. we'll have the full list in just a few minutes. president obama's second inauguration is this upcoming monday. more than 6,000 national guard personnel have been called out to help with everything from crowd control to medical assistance. they will begin arriving today. another 2,000 guard personnel are on stand-by in nearby
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states. a new outside nonprofit group is being assembled to help promote president obama's agenda for his second term in office. organizing for action will focus on cal and local legislative issues. after more than a decade of denial, lance armstrong finally admits to doping. in a candid one on one interview with oprah winfrey, he comes clean. we have a report. >> i made my decisions. they are my mistake. i am sitting here today to acknowledge that. >> reporter: ending years of speculation and accusations, lance armstrong has come clean. the admission come after more than a decade of denials. time and time again, he rebuffed claims that he used performance enhancing drug to
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catapult him to the top of his sport winning the tour de france seven time in a row. >> to the skeptics, i'm sorry you can't dream big. >> in all seven of your tour de france wins, did you ever take performance enhancing drugs? >> yes. >> reporter: he lost nearly all of his endorsements and was forced to cut ties with his charity organization livestrong. >> i'll spend the rest of my life trying to earn back trust and apologize to people for the rest of my life.
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>> reporter: the disgraced cyclist seas he never felt like he was cheating, only leveling the playing field. >> fox 5 morning news at 4 charleston 30 starts now. 0 sta happy friday, everyone. it is friday, january 1th. live look outside as we get things started on this friday morning heading into the weekend. we have a rumor going around we may see some sunshine, the possibility. good morning. i'm wisdom martin. >> i'm sarah simmons. sunshine would be good because it seems like a week since we've seen it. >> i think it was last saturday afternoon the last time we saw sun. >> a long time. >> so yes, it will be back in the forecast. >> you didn't get anything wrong. >> i know. >> you said to the south.
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>> i know. i felt pretty good about the forecast although i never left my house yesterday just in case. 35 at dulles. let's start with the radar. got a couple of light snow showers out there at the moment actually north of town. not enough to cause any issues but we are getting some reports that it is making it down here to the surface. you may see a flurry up towards columbia and it looks like it is working down towards baltimore and into northern montgomery county. that is about t otherwise, we are -- that's about it. otherwise, we are done with the moisture. 38 at reagan national. 35 at both dulles and bwi marshall. chilly out there with highs in the upper 30s. good looking weekend and then we'll get cold.
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>> cold? older than this week. >> yeah, or even cold. i heard a little eek from julie wright over there. >> julie and i are the only two people would don't care whether we see another flake of snow in our life. >> you're right. dry pavement right now. i even woke up at midnight just to check the roads. i was a little scared. dry pavement out of clarkszburg to accompany this trip out of clarkburg and making your way out to rockville. -- dry pavement out of clarksburg. we do have one little hitch in our get along. this is northbound 28 shut down at new braddock road because of a crash. southbound, your lanes are open. 66 still at speed coming in from haymarket to the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. president obama and first lady michelle obama found room for a little down time last
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night ahead of monday's inauguration ceremonies. they celebrated mrs. obama's birthday with dinner at cafe milano. surprised patrons had to go through a security checkpoint. we are just three days out from all of the pomp and circumstance. >> today, more than 6,000 national guard personnel will be deployed inside the district to help with traffic, crowd control, crowd management and communications. another 2,000 will be put on alert just outside the city. meantime, the media will get a behind the scenes tour of the preparations under way at the convention center for the commander in chief's ball and the inaugural ball. metro riders can buy a special all-day pa for inauguration day. nine stations will sell the
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passes featuring an image of president barack obama. metro projects some 600,000 to #00,000 riders on monday. e-bay and craigslist have promised to crack down on the sale of scalped inaugural tickets online. the tickets were free but hard to come by as you can imagine. they are being sold for thousands of dollars on the internet. new york senator charles schumer called for action after some of his constituents complained. he says the inauguration is a chance to celebrate democracy, not for scalpers to make money. >> stay with fox 5 for coverage of president obama's second inauguration both on air and online. we have everything you need to know about the inauguration right there on our home page. a former d.c. police officer is found guilty of murder after less than two
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hours of deliberation by a jury. richmond phillips showed no visible sign of emotion as the judge read guilty to all charges. prosecutors say phillips killed his girl friend offer a paternity test. >> there is something unspeakable about killing a child. it struck a chord with all of us. >> a key piece of evidence for the prosecution was a video showing phillips holding the gun they say he used to shoot wright in the hillcrest heights park. prosecutors are seeking life in prison without the possibility after parole. he will be sentenced in march. d.c. school officials have released their plan to consolidate 15 schools.
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chancellor kaya henderson says 136 of the school will close at the end of the year. another two will close at the end of next year. the plan is expected to save the district $8.5 million which officials say will be reinvested to improve education. we'll have much more on reaction to this coming up in the next hour and if you want another look at the full list of schools that will be closing, you can simply go coming up next, another step in the recovery process after last summer's movie theater shooting in colorado. it is one some of the victims' family members are fighting. later, manti te'o isn't talking. the notre dame star laying low as rumors continue to swirl about that girlfriend hoax. 
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-- still developing today in north africa, a hostage crisis. there are reports five americans are okay but another five remain unaccounted for. an emotional reopening ceremony in colorado. the aurora movie theater is now back open for bris. some of the victims and relatives of those killed attended the event while others were outraged by the ceremony. we have more in this report. >> reporter: victims, their families and first responders returning to a theater where a gunman opened fire nearly six months ago killing 12 and injuring dozens. they were at the theater for a private ceremony called a night of remembrance to be followed by a movie screening after the company spent millions of dollars on renovations
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remodeling the interior. >> are we have come here this evening resolute that this will never define us as a community. >> for many here tonight, this is the path to healing and part of that process. >> reporter: but the reopening isn't welcomed by all those who were affected by the massacre. many of the victims' families are boycotting the event, some sending a rejection letter after receiving an invitation from the theater's owner writing in part, after reading our response to your ridiculously offensive invitation, you now know why we will not be attending your reopening celebration and will be using every social media tool at our disposal to ask another victims to ask their friends and family to honor us by boycotting the killing field of our children. and a man who was shot in the leg the night of the tax says he is just now able to go so a movie. >> i was checking the exits. i was watching people's pockets, people's hands. it was weird for me at first
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and it was surreal. >> reporter: aurora's mayor says the theater needs to reopen as part of the healing process for the community. the theater will open to the public on friday and host free movies throughout the weekend. coming up next, former d.c. mayor and current city council mayor marion barry revolting new information about what he says was going on during the infamous hotel room bust. >> let's check in with tucker barnes to see what is going on with the weather. >> we are looking brighter today. maybe some sunshine in the forecast for the first time in about a week. i'll have the details on your friday. and julie wright has traffic. we'll do it coming up? just a minute. minute. -- we'll do it coming up in just a minute. [ woman ] ring. ring. prprogresso.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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we didn't see too much snow around these parts yesterday but the south was hit with some winter weather. parts of alabama saw as much as 4 inches of snow. businesses and schools closed early and a busy stretch of interstate had to shut down because there were so many accidents. some drivers were stuck on the road for hours. we've heard of that before in these parts. here is a look at a snowy scene a little bit closer in spotsylvania. this was september to us by a fox 5 viewer. most of the snow that fell around here was to the south of the d.c. area like tucker said
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it was going to be. southwestern virginia took a hard hit leaving thousands without power. if you have any snow photos you would like to share with us, accepted them to my weather photo at g help us paint the picture of who got how much where around the area. >> i abeautiful picture. i wish we got a little something. -- a beautiful picture. >> that is not bad. my friends down south, they were sending me pictures and they were saying how everybody was freaking out about the snow because -- >> as you would down there. they don't get it. >> and i'm looking out the window and i'm saying, tough. >> it is unusual to get it that far south. it got down towards richmond, they got several inches. around here, i never saw a flake. flake. >> i was checking the fox 5
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weather app just to make sure everything was right on par with what you said. i was checking. >> you can see like the green on the weather app so i guess that means there is moisture in the air. >> when you see it on your radar and it is not touching the ground. it is falling from the sky. air was very dry here yesterday during the day. >> what about today? >> today, looking sun you and bright. that is why we're just hanging out talk because we don't have much to talk about. we have a couple of light snow showers falling apart here but it looks like maybe just south of columbia, fulton, maybe laurel, you might get a light snow shower here in the next few minutes and then another little band setting up to the north and west of baltimore. we'll get a few more here. it is possible a few more could get a quick snow shower or snow flurry here to start your day. that will be the worst of our forecast today. more sunshine.
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let's switch maps and a good- looking day as far as we're concerned. annapolis is 37 degrees. the temperatures starting to tall back after high temperatures yesterday were in the low to mid-40s. i don't think we'll be in the 40s today. probably in the upper 30s for daytime highs. fredericksburg, good morning, you are 33 degrees. some slick spots to the south. these temperatures will get close to freezing. 34 in hagerstown. 36 in winchester. much brighter looking day. there goes our storminess. good riddance. done with that one. off to the north and west, we've got a couple of snow showers trying to push into the area. high pressure will control our weather for the next several days. we are looking at sunshine and temperatures today about 40. tomorrow and sunday, we'll get into the 40s. a big shot of very cold arctic air gets in here sunday during the day. temperatures are going to be on the cold side to say the least as we get into early next week. mostly sunny skies.
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breezy at times. winds out of the north and west at five to 15. it will be a breezy and cool afternoon. it should be comfortable as far as we're not expecting dry conditions. there is your weekend forecast. both saturday and sunday look pretty good. martin luther king day, inauguration day, blustery and cold. temperature in the mid- to upper 30s. could be a few afternoon snow showers. not enough to accumulate but maybe enough to add to the scenery on monday. check out your daytime highs tuesday and wednesday. only about freezing. >> let's do some traffic. julie has your latest. >> the latest update is the accident activity now cleared to the shoulder northbound 28 at new braddock road. accident occurred earlier this morning involving a car which took out a utility pole knocking over some wires as well. the lanes have been reopened northbound along 28. lanes are open and for the most part, dry pavement. eastbound 66 traveling in from manassas, no problems reported continuing eastbound towards
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fair oaks. you will find your lanes are open northbound on i-95 leaving lorton headed up towards newington. southbound 270, easy drive so far this morning from clarksburg headed into rockville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. traffic. back to the news now. marion barry is revealing new details about what he says happened during that infamous hotel room bust back in 1990. the former mayor and current d.c. council member says the feds tried to kill him during the sting in which he was caught smoking crack cocaine. in an interview with u.s. news and world report, barry says he doubts what he smoked was crack and that emts were on hand during the sting. and fbi official involved calls the comments absurd and disappointing. barry served six months on drug charges and went on to a successful political comeback. the other story, a lot of people still talking about notre dame's manti te'o riding
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out the controversy surrounding his girlfriend hoax by doing some training in florida. he was seen driving a golf cart yesterday while training for the nfl's scouting combine. he says he is the victim of an elaborate internet hoax involving his girlfriend he met online who later died but then it was revealed she never existed in the first place. st coming clean. former cycling champ lance armstrong admits to using performance enhancing drugs in a candid interview with oprah winfrey. he now says without the help of doping, he does not believe he could have won seven straight tour de france titles. he says the admission goes far beyond a now disgraced career. >> i made my decisions. they are my mistake. and i'm sitting here today to acknowledge that and to say i'm sorry for that. i'll spend the rest of my life trying to earn back trust and
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apologize to people for the rest of my life. >> armstrong faces a slew of backlash and punishment for his admission. he has been stripped of all of his titles, stripped of his 2000 olympic bronze medal and is forced to now end relations with his charity, livestrong. still ahead on fox 5 morning news, a little mousse you can always helps with motivation. president barack obama is sharing his play list for the upcoming inauguration. >> if you haven't gotten your flu shot yet, it is still not too late. we'll tell you who is getting a new shipment of the shot in what has been a nasty season so far.
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the flu shot continues to be in high demand. le local safeway stores say they are getting a shipment of an additional 16,000 shots. many pharmacies and doctors' office as cross the nation were hit by temporary shortages this month.
4:54 am is a great source for all of your flu questions. can you track activity in your area, check out the vaccine finder and find answers to other common questions. now, remember, it is always a good idea to call your pharmacy or doctor's office first to double-check and make sure they still have the vaccine. staying informed in an emergency can be as easy as downloading a new app. the virginia department of emergency management is debuting a new app called ready virginia. it includes maps of open shelters, a template to create emergency contact for your family. the app is available in the app store on google play and for droid. coming up next, the woman who gave advice to millions has passed away. this morning, we are remembering the woman behind dear abby. >> they are a piece of living history. a group of seniors who played a part in the first televised inauguration. it is 4:54. we'll be back. 
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you remember her. paul even friedman phillips who wrote dear abby has passed away. she wrote the popular column under the name of abigail van buren. her daughter took over the column in 2002. for years, she completed with her twin sister, advice columnist ann landers. pauline friedman phillips was 92 years old. a group of men have quite a story to tell. they were part of the inauguration in 1949 when harry truman took office. >> reporter: these three guys have some stories to tell. they didn't just witness history. they were part of it.
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>> we were there because we were -- had to be there. >> reporter: they joke a lot but this was serious business n1949, gray parks and scott shipe were west point cadets. >> i harry s. truman do solemnly swear. >> reporter: they took a train to union station for president truman's inauguration and even marched in the parade. jim upp was a 16-year-old d.c. boy scout assigned the duty of helping to line the inaugural parade route. >> you had the best eye view of the whole parade as it came by. >> reporter: it is interesting that all three of these men who participated in the 1949 inauguration are now neighbors. they all live here at the green spring retirement community in springfield. they all remember it being quite cold. >> the cars were coming by the front of the parade. off went the coats and when they passed up, went to salute.
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it was a three finger salute at that time. >> still is. >> but i can't hold my fingers together anymore. >> yes you vaguely saw him. mainly, i was concerned about the two buttons on the side of my hat. it seemed like they were constantly tightening and giving me more of a headache. >> he was the commander in chief. >> reporter: a pole with a clock on top had been freshly painted until a classmate played a tank. >> we paint ad i red stripe like a barber pole around the clock. >> administrators were horrified but the president seemed to get a kick out of it. >> president truman apparently says if you catch the guy that did it, i'm he going to pardon him. this is one of the great thins that happened. >> reporter: one for the history books. in springfield, beth parker, fox 5 w


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